Repórter Fortaleza

Proprietário palestino acusa soldados israelenses de usá-lo como escudo humano em ataque na Cisjordânia.

Israeli Soldiers Use Palestinian Man as Human Shield in West Bank

Israeli Soldiers Use Palestinian Man as Human Shield in West Bank

By [Nome do Jornalista]

Published on [Data de Publicação]

DURA, West Bank (Reuters) – The Palestinian owner of a store said that Israeli soldiers used him as a human shield to protect themselves during an attack on the city of Dura in the occupied West Bank.

Cellphone footage showed Baha Abu Ras being led down a street by a soldier who guided him from behind with one hand and held a rifle against his shoulder with the other. Two Israeli soldiers cautiously advanced behind them, their rifles raised.

Abu Ras said he was taken from his cellphone store on Monday in Dura, near the city of Hebron, after Israeli soldiers searched the premises during an operation in which Palestinian authorities said two Palestinians were shot dead.

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