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Supremo rejeita marco temporal e frente agropecuária busca reversão no Senado

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Supreme Court Rejects Temporal Milestone, Agribusiness Seeks to Reverse the Situation in the Senate

Source: UOL News

The Brazilian Supreme Court has taken a significant decision regarding the controversial temporal milestone in land demarcations, which has caused tensions between indigenous communities and the agribusiness sector. The court rejected the validity of the temporal milestone and determined that indigenous lands should be demarcated based on the historical presence of indigenous communities.

The decision, handed down on September 22, has sparked strong reactions from the agribusiness sector, which has long argued for the recognition of the temporal milestone as a way to protect their investments and maintain the expansion of agricultural activities. The sector claims that the ruling could lead to legal uncertainty and jeopardize economic development in rural areas.

The Supreme Court’s ruling was seen as a victory for indigenous communities and environmentalists who have been fighting for the preservation of indigenous lands and the protection of natural resources. They argue that the temporal milestone has been used as a pretext by the agribusiness sector to legitimize the occupation of indigenous territories and exploit natural resources irresponsibly.

Following the court’s decision, the agribusiness sector has now turned its attention to the Senate, where it plans to lobby for the approval of a bill that would establish the temporal milestone as the legal criteria for land demarcations. The sector believes that the Senate, with its strong influence from rural and agricultural interests, may be more receptive to their demands.

The outcome in the Senate remains uncertain, as there are conflicting views among lawmakers. Some senators argue that indigenous lands should be protected and that the temporal milestone should not be used to legitimize land grabs and environmental damage. Others, however, believe that the agribusiness sector plays a crucial role in Brazil’s economy and that their interests should be taken into account.

The final decision on the temporal milestone will have far-reaching implications for the protection of indigenous lands and the development of agricultural activities in Brazil. It will also set a precedent for future land demarcation cases and establish the balance between indigenous rights and economic interests.

Reference #18.910a2917.1695376484.c7e89a

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