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Venezuela acusa ONU de querer se eximir de responsabilidade em disputa com Guiana, diz agência de notícias.

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Access Denied: Venezuela accuses UN of seeking to decline its responsibility in dispute with Guyana

In a recent development, the Venezuelan government has publicly accused the United Nations of attempting to evade its responsibility in the ongoing territorial dispute with neighboring country Guyana. The dispute, which centers around the Essequibo region, has been a point of contention between the two nations for decades.

Despite efforts to seek diplomatic resolution, tensions have escalated in recent months, with both Venezuela and Guyana asserting their claims to the disputed territory. The involvement of the UN was seen as a potential avenue for reaching a peaceful resolution, but Venezuela’s latest statement suggests a growing mistrust in the international organization’s intentions.

The Venezuelan government’s accusations stem from a perceived lack of action on the part of the UN regarding the dispute. Venezuelan officials claim that the UN is shirking its responsibilities and failing to adequately address the situation, leaving Venezuela feeling unsupported in its efforts to resolve the conflict.

This latest development has added a new layer of complexity to the already fraught relationship between Venezuela and the international community. With geopolitical implications and potential repercussions for regional stability, the dispute has broader implications beyond the immediate territorial concerns.

The UN has yet to publicly respond to Venezuela’s allegations, and it remains to be seen how this conflict will unfold in the coming weeks. The impasse between Venezuela and Guyana shows no signs of abating, and the involvement of the UN – or lack thereof, according to Venezuela – adds a new dimension to an already volatile situation.

Reference #18.910a2917.1699670324.41feda81

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